
INTERNATIONAL STAFF WEEK, České Buďejovice, Czech Republic, 22 – 26 August 2022

At the end of August 2022, we had the opportunity to participate in the INTERNATIONAL STAFF WEEK, organized by the Faculty of Health and Social Sciencesof the University of South Bohemian in České Buďejovice.


The purpose of the meeting was:

  • diagnosing the most common problems of simulation education;
  • learning about the possibilities of better-quality simulation education;
  • creating a group for simulation education.

A group of participants of the meeting consisted of delegations of simulation instructors from 13 European countries, including the Czech Republic, Ireland, Poland, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Spain, Hungary and Turkey.

The meeting was rich in extremely valuable insights from medical simulation specialists. Problems encounteredon a daily basis by simulation instructors have often been highlighted.

Participation in this event was very important to us because it allowed to listen to the comments and suggestions of instructors – practitioners from different countries.This will translate into better alignment of Medcam systems to the expectations of current and future users and will help us respond to the changing needs ofsimulation industry solutions users in the most effective way.